
Week One, June 7 (Thursday)

Goals for Week One: (1) annotations for "Still Searching," (2) ready absolute final version for archives and participants, (3) begin preparations for second remix.  


Deadline for Tasks assigned MONDAY: Wednesday before noon

Deadline for Tasks assigned THURSDAY: at least two hours before our Monday meeting 


Agenda: (1) timesheets/deadlines (+updates on Monday assignment?), milestones-summer.doc  (2) Juneteenth/flyer (call Billy Reed), (3) "Still Searching" updates (view rebuild first thing Monday?), (4) explore latest updates on "Still Searching" annotations, (5) plans for meeting with Mike/Shiva and new draft of NCC storyboard (to being construction next week), and (6) discuss blog ideas and plans, 

Assigned to task  complete by deadline  unknown Going forward

*Work with Adam to to find good quality images and complete revisions of "Still Searching"

*Captions for Page and Carlos, other details as Adam requires them for revision

*Timesheets! Sunchai's Timesheet: Summer 2012











THIS WEEK: Please continue working with Adam to help him reconstruct that video by showing him where he can find the high quality images he needs and relevant video, complete captions for sections on Belford Page and John Carlos. Finalize "Still Searching" (if possible) 


Update/Comment from Sunchai?



*Timesheets! Jennifer's Timesheets Summer I 2012

*Blog, Week 1-2 (can combine last week and this week together, if you like, but I also like your idea of posting one from each of you per week. Whatever you two decide. I only require one post per week but more is always better. We should also use some of our meeting time together to talk about the blog. That way you guys get contributions from us as well so you won't have to take on all aspects of this task. Some weeks you might even call upon one or more of us to offer a guest post, especially in the second summer session. 

*Moore Archives (Might be cool to post something from your experiences in this, including a picture or two. Thanks to Kelly, I also have several great pics of day we talked with the Moores about the archives. I can share those with you if Kelly doesn't have easy access to them. 


















I posted our first blog this week. I've created an introduction of the group and myself. As discussed through email, each of us will write an introduction stating who we are and what our roles are in the project.

For next week, I will write about my experience archiving the Moore Collection. I would like to run a few ideas by you in the meeting today.

I would love to scan and post the photos of you guys speaking with the Moores. I think that would begin adding more dimension to the blog. On that note, maybe everyone could post a photo of themselves when they write. Also, a photo of the group would be great.

Looking forward to talking with you guys in a couple of hours.


*Rebuild "Still Searching" (perhaps with a stand in voice for Jamar if we haven't yet heard back from Noah/Jamar about new narration; set it up so we can easily replace that audio when we get it from Jamar)

*Locate project file (or contact Christina for help)

*Captions and other remaining cleanup, upload to YouTube (Still Searching) 

*Upload mp4 to YouTube

Timesheets! Adam's Timesheets 











For THIS Week: Please keep working on rebuilding the video. Before we meet, please prepare a copy of the version you edited so we can make any additional suggestions you might want to address while we are at it. NOTE: it is vital that those time stamps remain the same. Prasna has already programmed to be set to this pace. See June 7 meeting page for responses to the issues you raised in your Friday email. MeetingJune7


Update/Comment from Adam: 




*Blog, Week 1-2 (see note to Jennifer on same)

*Timesheets Kelly's Timesheets Summer 2012

*Annotations for "Still Searching" (meeting with Shannon Wednesday on same)

*Explore possible solutions to the different needs users have for storyboard and possible ways to alleviate confusion without overwhelming ourselves with work/multiple versions of same project. 










Let's see how far we can get with the "Still Searching" annotations. 


  Update/Comments from Kelly      

*Annotations for "Still Searching" 

*Share plans for RRT website and tweak further after meeting with Mike Smith and others about project

*Prepare prose (draft) for "Still Searching" page

*Further development on NCC storyboard



Meeting with Mike/Shiva today at 4:00; I'll also continue working on tweaking this still very rough draft of the NCC storyboard and possible annotations, as well as prose and planning for SS popcorn.