Topic |
Assignment Due (to be done before meeting starts on date listed at left) |
1/17 |
Overview project
Overview goals
Overview assign
Discuss activity reports
Discuss storyboarding
- Review vids to be reworked for RRT (Alexander, Mosely, Grimley)
- Review article on RRT from department newsletter
- Review vid on RRT (lecture for Digital Methodologies)
- Review grant materials abstract.pdf contents.pdf narrative.pdf
- Ready revision plans for Alexander vid (most complex of our texts), and consider plans for other two)
- Review rest of webtext including Alexander and Grimley vids
- Review archives for other potential artifacts to bring into remix, including those collected here
1/24 |
Revision plans
Annotation plans
- Develop complete storyboard for video remix
- Write down above! Needs to be sharable and detailed
- Plans for at least five potential "annotations" (citation information for artifacts included in remix, juicy
- quotes theorizing above or otherwise placing it in context, oral history excerpt, etc)
- Activity Report #1
- Upload all of the above to your project page (NEH requires an extensive trail charting our progress)
1/30 |
Studio Time/
Progress Report
Oral history remix
- NOTE: I will not be here for this (out of state) but encourage you to meet anyway
- share progress, discuss needs, determine next steps
- Activity Report #2
2/7 |
(Roughcuts due)
Critique/Revision plans
Annotation plans
- Complete video, upload to YouTube (CLiC channel)
- Add link to your project page
- Include any questions you may have and discuss next steps
- Include details concerning data source annotation for same
- We'll review these together and offer revision suggestions
- Activity Report #3
2/14 |
Studio Time/
Progress Report
- Share complete revision plan and programs towards same
- Continue revisions
- Time stamps for relevant annotations
- Activity Repot #4
2/21 |
(final cut due)
Annotations should be
complete at this point,
as well
- Complete finalcut, upload to YouTube (CLiC channel)
- Add link to your project page
- Include any questions you may have and discuss next steps
- Include details concerning data source annotation for same
- We'll review these together and offer revision suggestions
- Activity Report #5
2/28 |
(play, explore)
Discuss "pitch"
- Explore options (I have several, and you likely do as well)
- Share thoughts on additional remix options you'd like to explore (relevant to RRT themes and content)
- Keep a list of ideas as you work on above and draw from those
- Activity Report #6
3/6 |
Showcase options
Select two
- Decide on potential remix, develop "pitch" for same
- Post pitch to your project page
- Be ready to discuss
- Activity Report #7
- NOTE: At this meeting, we'll also need to schedule remaining meetings and recalibrate project plans
- as necessary to meet deadlines (especial regarding the interface itself and planning for same)
BY 4/3 |
All contributions complete
with annotations
Select remixes to feature and
begin loading into prototype
and begin troubleshooting
We need to deliver complete (final!) remixes and annotations to Dr. W's students at this point. We also hope to
interface will be available, which we can use to load the projects and they can use to add relevant annotations
if appropriate.
Everything ready (final, final,
final!), packaged, and ready
to hand over
- All annotations absolutely complete, remix final, final, final
- Everything copyedited (closely!)
- All sources addressed for fair use and rest (Creative Commons)
- Decisions concerning RRT site layout and other details
Summer |
Finalize details, troubleshooting |
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